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Massachusetts Home Buyer Guide


Wayland, MA Home Sales, Prices Decline March 2013

Apr 28, 2013 8:30:00 AM

The median price of a single-family home in Wayland, Massachusetts declined 23.55 percent in March, falling from $550,000 to $420,500 on 12 sales, the WaylandPatch reported April 26, 2013. 

The Warren Group, publisher of Bank & Tradesman, provided the data. 

Despite the price decline in March, Wayland, MA home prices grew 2.48 percent in the first quarter of 2013; however, that lags behind the rest of Middlesex County where median single-family home prices increased 6.44 percent. Statewide median home prices rose 10.57 percent in the first quarter.


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Relocation, Wayland MA

Canton, MA Real Estate and Community Guide

Apr 27, 2013 7:36:00 AM

Canton, Massachusetts is a suburb located south of Boston, with a population of just over 21,000 people. Canton is conveniently located at the junction of Routes 93 and 95, providing easy access to the North or South. Serviced by two MBTA commuter rail stations, commuting into Boston is an easy 20 minute ride by train.

Canton is governed by a five-member elected Board of Selectmen and has an Open Town Meeting form of government.  Town Meeting is held every spring and every registered voter can attend and vote in town meeting.  Each resident of voting age has the opportunity to make decisions which directly affect the quality of life in Canton.  It is democracy at its finest.


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Relocation, Canton MA

Milton, MA Median Home Price Up 21 Percent in March 2013

Apr 26, 2013 9:45:00 PM

The price of a single-family home in Milton, Massachusetts increased 21 percent in March compared to March 2012, the MiltonPatch reported April 23, 2013. 

The median price of a single-family home increased 8.37 percent statewide and 5.66 percent in Norfolk County in March 2013 compared to the previous year. The Warren Group, publisher of Banker & Tradesman, provided the data. 


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Relocation, Milton MA

Carlisle, MA Real Estate and Community Guide

Apr 13, 2013 10:30:00 AM

Picturesque Carlisle, Massachusetts offers rural New England living just 20 miles from Boston. The town, which was first settled in 1650, is a tight-knit community of around 5,000 residents. It prides itself in being nearly exclusively residential.

Only a handful of small businesses operate in the Town of Carlisle, and there are no apartment complexes, business parks, chain establishments, or shopping centers. Additionally about one-third of the town’s land is under strict conservation regulations that help preserve its pristine scenery, which includes fields, woods, wetlands, and even a cranberry bog.


Topics: Community Information, Massachusetts Relocation, Carlisle MA

Arlington, MA Real Estate and Community Guide

Mar 21, 2013 9:17:00 AM

The Town of Arlington, Massachusetts was founded more than 375 years ago in 1635. The settlement was originally known as Menotomy, an Algonquin word. In 1807 the town was set off from Cambridge, Massachusetts and incorporated as West Cambridge. After the Civil War in 1867 the name was changed to Arlington in honor of the heroes buried at Arlington National Cemetery.


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Arlington MA, Massachusetts Relocation

Wakefield, MA Homes for Sale and Real Estate Market Report

Mar 10, 2013 11:42:00 AM

Home buyers searching for single-family homes in Wakefield, Massachusetts in 2012 witnessed an improving real estate market, with both sales and median price rising. 

The median price of a single-family house in Wakefield, MA increased 3.4 percent in 2012 compared to 2011. The median price stood at $391,000 in 2012, up from $377,988 the previous year. The most expensive single-family home sold for $1,300,000 in 2012. 


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Home Prices, Wakefield MA

Cambridge, MA Real Estate and Community Guide

Mar 1, 2013 9:17:00 AM

Home to a diverse population, including many students attending several local universities, such as Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and professionals in a myriad of fields and of various ages, Cambridge, Massachusetts is a much sought-after place to live in the Bay State.

Through the many unique communities, both residential and urban, its rich historical influences, and booming professional and cultural sectors, Cambridge, MA real estate, including single-family homes and condominiums, attracts individuals from many walks of life.

Cambridge has a vibrant history, giving residents a cultural experience that is unique from many other places in the country. Founded in 1630, Cambridge was originally named Newe Towne and settled by Puritan colonists under John Winthrop's leadership. Due to many prominent settlers and leaders in the area being graduates from England’s Cambridge University, the name of the city was changed to Cambridge in 1638.


Topics: Community Information, Massachusetts Relocation, Cambridge MA

Brookline, MA Home Sales and Real Estate Market Report

Feb 25, 2013 8:50:00 AM

Brookline, Massachusetts home buyers took part in a real estate market that saw sales increase for both single-family homes and condominiums in 2012.

Single-family home sales increased 7.5 percent in 2012 on 172 sold properties, up from 160 sales in 2011. The median price of a single-family home in Brookline was $1,247,250 in 2012. The median price increased 3.5 percent from $1,205,000 in 2011. The most expensive home sold in 2012 set someone back a cool $10,500,000, more than double the most expensive home sold in 2011 ($4,900,000). 


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Home Prices, Massachusetts Relocation, Brookline MA

Greater Boston Area Real Estate Roundup December 2012

Dec 15, 2012 12:09:00 PM

New Development in Roslindale Square

The Boston Globe reported December 13, 2012 that a dilipated power station, out of use for 40 years, in Roslindale Square is set to be transformed into a mixed-use development with about 40 apartments, restaurants and a produce market.   


Topics: Community Information, Real Estate Misc., Boston, Andover MA, Chelmsford MA, Brookline MA, Duxbury MA, Foxborough MA, Hanover MA, Kingston MA

Buyers Brokers Only: An Official Drop-off Location for Toys for Tots

Dec 3, 2012 11:30:00 AM

Buyers Brokers Only, LLC again will be collecting unwrapped toys this holiday season for the annual U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program.  Toys can be dropped off at Buyers Brokers Only, LLC's Haverhill, MA office located at 200 Merrimack Street, Suite 301, on the following dates:


Topics: Community Information, Haverhill MA


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