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Massachusetts Home Buyer Guide


NH Home Prices Up, But Increasing Slower Than U.S. Average

Apr 18, 2013 5:09:00 PM

Single-family home prices increased 10.2 percent across the United States on a year-over-year basis in February; however, New Hampshire home prices increased only 2.6 percent in February compared to February 2012, according to data from real estate information company CoreLogic, the New Hampshire Union Leader reported April 14, 2013. 


Topics: Real Estate Market, New Hampshire

Carlisle, MA Real Estate and Community Guide

Apr 13, 2013 10:30:00 AM

Picturesque Carlisle, Massachusetts offers rural New England living just 20 miles from Boston. The town, which was first settled in 1650, is a tight-knit community of around 5,000 residents. It prides itself in being nearly exclusively residential.

Only a handful of small businesses operate in the Town of Carlisle, and there are no apartment complexes, business parks, chain establishments, or shopping centers. Additionally about one-third of the town’s land is under strict conservation regulations that help preserve its pristine scenery, which includes fields, woods, wetlands, and even a cranberry bog.


Topics: Community Information, Massachusetts Relocation, Carlisle MA

Massachusetts Pending Home Sales Increase March 2013

Apr 12, 2013 6:55:00 AM

After sliding in February due to several snow storms and a lack of inventory, Massachusetts pending home sales increased in March compared to March 2012, the Boston Business Journal reported it April 9, 2013. 

The Massachusetts Association of Realtors provided the pending home sales data. 


Topics: Real Estate Market, Massachusetts Association of Realtors

Massachusetts Home Prices Increase 6.7 Percent February 2013

Apr 6, 2013 11:45:00 AM

The price of a single-family home, including distressed properties, in Massachusetts increased 6.7 percent in February compared to February 2012, CoreLogic, a California-based residential property information provider, reported April 3, 2013.

CoreLogic's Home Price Index indicated a 8.2 percent single-family home price increase in Massachusetts when distressed properties were excluded from the data. Distressed sales include short sales and real estate owned (REO) transactions.


Topics: Real Estate Market, Massachusetts Home Prices

Survey: Renters Ages 18-34 Really Want to be First-time Home Buyers

Apr 5, 2013 10:30:00 AM

A recent survey of milleninals shows that age group has a strong interest in homeownership, and their interest in becoming first-time home buyers has increased in the past year, PulteGroup, Inc., a national homebuilder, reported April 1, 2013.   

For renters ages 18-34 with an income of more than $50,000, 65 percent indicated their intention to buy a home has significantly or somewhat increased in the past year.  The definition of millennials varies slightly depending on who you ask, but generally it makes up people born from about 1980 until about the year 2000.  


Topics: Real Estate Market, Real Estate Misc.

Massachusetts Foreclosure Petitions, Deeds Decline Again

Apr 4, 2013 6:23:00 AM

The number of completed foreclosures in Massachusetts through February 2013 are down about two thirds compared to 2012, The Warren Group, publisher of Banker & Tradesman, reported April 2, 2013. 

In February, 240 foreclosure deeds – the final step of the foreclosure process – were filed in Massachusetts, down almost 69 percent from 767 foreclosure deeds filed in February 2012. The recording of a foreclosure deed represents a completed foreclosure. Through February, foreclosure deeds have plunged 66 percent. A total of 532 foreclosure deeds were filed in January and February compared to 1,566 during the same two months in 2012.


Topics: Real Estate Market, Foreclosure News, The Warren Group

Boston Area Home Buyers May Want to Embrace the Sound of Trains

Mar 31, 2013 10:58:00 AM

Greater Boston home buyers may start to rejoice in the sweet sounds of the commuter rail or subway. 

According to a study released March 20, 2013 by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) and the National Association of Realtors (NAR), Boston real estate values during the last recession performed 129 percent better on average if they were located near public transportation with high-frequency service.


Topics: Real Estate Market, Home-buying Tips, Real Estate Misc., National Association of Realtors, Boston

Massachusetts Home Buyers See Rising Home Prices, Low Inventory

Mar 27, 2013 4:00:00 PM

After several years of declining prices, Massachusetts home buyers must navigate a real estate market with low inventory and increasing values in 2013. 

The median price for a single-family home in Massachusetts rose more than 12 percent last month to $275,000 from $245,500 in February 2012, The Warren Group, publisher of Banker & Tradesman, reported March 26, 2013. The year-to-date median home price is also up about 12 percent, rising to $279,000 from $250,750 last year.


Topics: Real Estate Market, Massachusetts Association of Realtors, The Warren Group

Arlington, MA Real Estate and Community Guide

Mar 21, 2013 9:17:00 AM

The Town of Arlington, Massachusetts was founded more than 375 years ago in 1635. The settlement was originally known as Menotomy, an Algonquin word. In 1807 the town was set off from Cambridge, Massachusetts and incorporated as West Cambridge. After the Civil War in 1867 the name was changed to Arlington in honor of the heroes buried at Arlington National Cemetery.


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Arlington MA, Massachusetts Relocation

Pending Home Sales in Massachusetts Slow In February 2013

Mar 14, 2013 7:42:00 AM

Although pending home sales in Massachusetts were positive for the 22nd straight month compared to the previous year, the strong pending single-family home sales numbers seen in previous months were absent in February 2013, the Massachusetts Association of Realtors reported March 12, 2013. 

Real estate professionals blame two stormy weekends in February and a lack of inventory for the slow growth in pending home sales, which are a leading indicator of actual home sales in Massachusetts for the following 30 to 60 days. Massachusetts home buyers, especially first-time home buyers, are well aware of the current lack of inventory. 


Topics: Real Estate Market, Massachusetts Association of Realtors

MA First-time Home Buyers Using a FHA Loan Should Move Quickly

Mar 13, 2013 7:30:00 PM

First-time home buyers in Massachusetts and around the country will want to speed up their home search, if they plan to finance the purchase of a home with a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loan. 

FHA announced recently that fee increases and underwriting rules for FHA loans will increase the cost of homeownership for first-time and other borrowers. FHA loans are especially popular with first-time home buyers because the minimum down payment required is 3.5 percent, as opposed to 5 percent to 20 percent or more for conventional loans. In addition, FHA will lend to home buyers with credit scores a little lower than scores acceptable to lenders of conventional loans. 


Topics: Mortgages 101, Loan Programs, Mortgage Rates & News, FHA

Wakefield, MA Homes for Sale and Real Estate Market Report

Mar 10, 2013 11:42:00 AM

Home buyers searching for single-family homes in Wakefield, Massachusetts in 2012 witnessed an improving real estate market, with both sales and median price rising. 

The median price of a single-family house in Wakefield, MA increased 3.4 percent in 2012 compared to 2011. The median price stood at $391,000 in 2012, up from $377,988 the previous year. The most expensive single-family home sold for $1,300,000 in 2012. 


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Home Prices, Wakefield MA


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