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Massachusetts Home Buyer Guide


Massachusetts Pending Home Sales Hit All-time High

Jun 13, 2013 5:00:00 PM

NEWS ALERT: The Massachusetts Association of Realtors pending sales numbers were not accurate. The post is below. We will update this post or write a new post as soon as the numbers are corrected.  Please see what Banker & Tradesman wrote.


Topics: Real Estate Market, Massachusetts Association of Realtors

MA Urging Banks to Provide First-time Home Buyers With 10K Mortgages

Jun 13, 2013 9:45:00 AM

MA Governor Deval Patrick is asking local banks to participate in an initiative that would provide 10,000 mortgages over the next five years to Massachusetts first-time home buyers, several media outlets reported June 10, 2013. 

Called the Massachusetts Housing Ownership Compact, the plan is for local banks to provide mortgages loans for home buyers with household incomes that fall below the median income in their geographical areas, Boston.com reported. 


Topics: Mortgages 101, Mortgage Rates & News

Shrewsbury, MA Home Prices Increase 14.2% in April 2013

Jun 12, 2013 8:45:00 AM

The median price of a single-family home in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts increased 14.2 percent in April compared to April 2012 while sales increased nearly 44 percent, according to data compiled by the Massachusetts Association of Realtors. 

The median price of a single-family house in Shrewsbury increased from $300,000 in April 2012 to $342,500 in April 2013. Through the first four months of 2013, median price rose 9.7 percent, from $300,000 in 2012 to $329,000. 


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Home Prices, Shrewsbury MA

Haverhill, MA Median Home Price Surges 32.7% in April 2013

Jun 6, 2013 9:46:00 AM

The median price of a single-family home in Haverhill, Massachusetts increased 32.7 percent in April, climbing from $209,900 in April 2012 to $278,500, according to data provided by the Massachusetts Association of Realtors. 

Through the first four months of the year, the median price of a single-family home in Haverhill increased 25.6 percent. The median price increased from $215,000 during the first four months of 2012 to $270,000 for the same period in 2013. The lack of real estate inventory played a role in the home price increase. In April, inventory declined 17.9 percent compared to April 2012; however, new listings did increase 5.7 percent.


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Home Prices, Haverhill MA

What MA Inspectors Are Not Required to Check at a Home Inspection

Jun 4, 2013 10:17:00 AM

A home inspection is serious business. 

As much as some sellers and real estate agents want to play down the home inspection, it is one of the most important steps of buying a home. Aside from the obvious reasons of wanting to know about major defects, a home inspection is a time to learn. A good home inspector will thoroughly answer home buyers' questions and educate home buyers, especially first-time home buyers, about maintaining a home in general and specifically their soon-to-be home.

With the above in mind, it is important that Massachusetts home buyers understand what a home inspector will check and what the limitations are for a home inspection.


Topics: Home-buying Tips, Real Estate Misc.

Jump in MA New Homes For Sale the Big Story For Home Buyers

Jun 3, 2013 11:26:00 AM

As expected, the median price for single-family homes in Massachusetts increased in April; however, the big story for home buyers is the increase in new homes for sale across the state. 

New single-family home listings added to the market in April 2013 increased 12.7 percent compared to the same time last year (9,350 new listings in April 2013 cpmpared to 8,294 listings in April 2012). There was a 44 percent increase in new homes for sale from the 6,468 listings added to the market in March 2013. April saw the biggest increase in new home listings since April 2010, the Massachusetts Association of Realtors reported May 29, 2013. 


Topics: Real Estate Market, Massachusetts Home Prices, Massachusetts Association of Realtors

NH Home Buyers Push Home Sales, Median Prices Higher in April 2013

May 26, 2013 7:24:00 PM

New Hampshire Home Buyers were out in full force to get the Spring real estate season started, pushing NH home sales and median prices up in April 2013. 

The number of residential homes sold in New Hampshire in April was the highest for any April since 2006, climbing more than 9 percent compared to April 2012, the New Hampshire Association of Realtors (NHAR) reported May 16, 2013.


Topics: Real Estate Market, New Hampshire, New Hampshire Association of Realtors, Nashua NH, Salem NH

Dedham, MA Home Sales Decline, Median Home Price Up March 2013

May 25, 2013 8:57:00 AM

Dedham, Massachusetts home sales declined in March, but the median price of a single-family home increased compared to March 2012, the DedhamPatch reported April 25, 2013. 

The Warren Group, publisher of Banker & Tradesman, provided the data. 


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Dedham MA, Massachusetts Relocation

Westford, MA Real Estate and Community Guide

May 23, 2013 4:47:00 PM

Westford, Massachusetts is a community-oriented town with much to offer home buyers looking for a peaceful setting, with easy access to necessary amenities.

Incorporated in 1729, Westford originally was a farming community and later became known for its mills and granite quarries. Today it also is home to many high-tech businesses.


Topics: Community Information, Massachusetts Relocation, Westford MA

Wilmington, MA Median Home Price Increases March 2013

May 22, 2013 8:41:00 AM

Single-family home prices in Wilmington, Massachusetts increased more than 16 percent in March to $377,629 compared to March 2012, the WilmingtonPatch reported May 6, 2013. 

Wilmington, MA had 18 single-family homes sold in March, the same total that sold in March 2012. In the first quarter, 45 single-family homes sold in Wilmington, down from 46 during the same time period in 2012. 


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Home Prices, Massachusetts Relocation, Wilmington MA

MA Home Buyers About to See Even Fewer Homes on Real Estate Web Sites

May 21, 2013 9:23:00 PM

Massachusetts home buyers who have been actively searching for homes are well aware of the lack of real estate inventory available right now, but would-be home buyers only searhing online may be unaware of how little inventory there really is available. 

MLS Property Information Network (MLS PIN), the primary multiple listing service in Massachusetts, has decided to change the way home listings are displayed after a seller accepts an offer starting today (Tuesday May 21, 2013). MLS PIN will do away with the "Active" with a flag status (ACT) and require listing agents to list homes with fully-executed offers as under agreement (aka, UAG). Listings marked as active with a flag status on May 21, 2013 will automatically be changed to UAG.


Topics: Real Estate Market, Real Estate Misc.

As Home Prices Increase, Massachusetts Home Buyers Act Quickly

May 18, 2013 6:25:00 AM

Eighteen months ago Massachusetts home buyers did not need be too concerned with whether a home for sale they visited would be available to make an offer on the next day or even the next week. How times have changed. 

A new home listing in Holliston, MA that a Buyers Brokers Only, LLC client wanted to see yesterday went under agreement in about three hours on Thursday. Not three days, but it went under agreement in about three hours. Stories like the one above have frustrated home buyers in Massachusetts over the past few months.


Topics: Real Estate Market, Home-buying Tips, Massachusetts Association of Realtors


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