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Massachusetts Home Buyer Guide


Newburyport, MA Homes Sales Slide on Low Inventory in January 2014

Mar 1, 2014 7:54:00 AM

The number of single-family homes sold in Newburyport, Massachusetts declined 46.7 percent in January compared to January 2013, according to data from the Massachusetts Association of Realtors.

There were only eight single-family homes sold in January compared to 15 home sales in January 2013.  


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Home Prices, Newburyport MA

Case-Shiller Home Price Index Shows 9.6% Increase in Boston

Feb 25, 2014 1:43:00 PM

The price of homes in Boston were 9.6 percent higher in December 2013 compared to December 2012; however, home prices declined 0.1 compared to November 2013, according to the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index, a survey of home prices in 20 metropolitan areas. The report was released February 25, 2014.


Topics: Real Estate Market, Massachusetts Home Prices, Boston, Case-Shiller Index

Most Massachusetts Home Sales in January 2014 Since January 2007

Feb 25, 2014 6:12:00 AM

Massachusetts single-family home sales increased 5 percent in January 2014, reaching the highest number of sales recorded for any January since 2007, The Warren Group, publisher of Banker & Tradesman, reported February 25, 2014.

The jump in single-family home sales came after two months of modest decreases in sales that had many in the real estate industry wondering whether the Bay State housing market would slow down in 2014.


Topics: Real Estate Market, Massachusetts Home Prices

Wakefield, MA Median Home Price Up Nearly 12% Since 2010

Feb 20, 2014 9:28:00 PM

After a dip in home prices from 2009 to 2010, the median price of a single-family home in Wakefield, Massachusetts increased every year through 2013, according to data provided by MLS Property Information Network, Inc. (MLS PIN). 

In 2009, the median price of a single family home in Wakefield, MA was $389,900; however, in 2010, the price dropped to $372,000, then increased at an average of 3.8 percent per year. The biggest spike in price occurred in 2013, when the median price of a single-family home increased by 6.3 percent. In 2013, the median price was $416,000, a cumulative 11.8 percent increase since the price drop in 2010. Median prices for each year were as follows:


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Home Prices, Wakefield MA

Shrewsbury, MA Single-family Home Prices Increase 16.9% Since 2009

Feb 19, 2014 5:20:00 PM

It has been a bumpy ride, but median price of a single-family home in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts has increased nearly 17 percent from 2009 through 2013, according to data compiled from MLS Property Information Network, Inc.

The median home price dropped from 2009 to 2010, increased in 2011, declined in 2012 and rose again in 2013. 


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Home Prices, Shrewsbury MA

Sharon, MA Median Home Prices Up Every Year Since 2009

Feb 18, 2014 4:11:00 PM

Since 2009, the median price of a single-family home in Sharon, Massachusetts has steadily increased, according to data provided by MLS Property Information Network, Inc.

In 2009, the median price of a single-family home in Sharon, MA was $377,000. The prices increased at an average of 6.7 percent each year. The biggest annual increase in price was in 2013, when the median price skyrocketed by 17.5 percent. By 2013, the median price was $487,750, a cumulative 29.3 percent increase over the five-year period. Median prices for each year were as follows:


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Home Prices, Sharon MA

West Roxbury (Boston) Home Prices Increase 5% in December 2013

Feb 17, 2014 11:30:00 AM

In December 2013, the median price of a single-family home in the West Roxbury section of Boston increased 5 percent compared to the median price in December 2012, according to data compiled by the Greater Boston Association of Realtors. 

The median price for a single-family home in West Roxbury, MA in December 2013 was $420,000, an increase from $400,000 the same month in 2012. From January through December 2013, the median home price increased 2 percent compared to prices in 2012. For 2013, the median price stood at $419,000 compared to $409,950 for a single-family home in 2012. 


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Home Prices, Boston, Greater Boston Association of Realtors, West Roxbury MA

South Boston, MA Home Prices Spike in December 2013, Flat For 2013

Feb 13, 2014 11:06:00 AM

In December 2013, the median price of a single-family home in South Boston, Massachusetts skyrocketed 83.7 percent compared to December 2012, but median prices were flat for the year, according to data compiled by the Greater Boston Association of Realtors. 

The median price for a single-family home in South Boston in December 2013 was $518,000, a significant increase from $282,000 the same month in 2012; however, from January through December 2013, the median price decreased compared to 2012. Throughout the year, the median price stood at $516,500, less than one percent decrease below the median price of $517,250 for single-family homes in 2012. 


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Home Prices, Greater Boston Association of Realtors, South Boston

Median Home Price in Melrose, MA 12.3 Percent Higher Since 2009

Feb 6, 2014 3:31:00 PM

Since 2009, the annual median price of single-family homes in Melrose, Massachusetts has increased, according to data provided by MLS Property Information Network, Inc (MLSPIN).


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Home Prices, Melrose MA

Arlington, MA Real Estate Prices Increase Five Straight Years

Feb 1, 2014 8:25:00 AM

The median price of single-family homes in Arlington, Massachusetts steadily increased from 2009 through 2013, according to data compiled from MLS Property Information Network, Inc (MLSPIN).

In 2009, the median price of a single family home in Arlington, MA was $487,438. Over a five-year period, the price increased at an average of 3.6 percent per year. In 2013, the median price was $565,000, a cumulative 15.9 percent increase over the five years. Median prices for each year were as follows:


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Home Prices, Arlington MA

Massachusetts Home Sales Decline Slightly in December 2013

Jan 29, 2014 6:40:00 AM

The number of single-family homes sold in Massachusetts slightly declined in December 2013, the second consecutive month home sales dropped, The Warren Group reported January 29, 2014. 

Single-family home sales in Massachusetts decreased in December to 3,712 from 3,725 in December 2012, a decline of less than 1 percent. December saw the fewest number of sales recorded in one month since April 2013.


Topics: Real Estate Market, Massachusetts Home Prices

Norwell, MA Median Home Prices Up Nearly 12% Through November 2013

Jan 26, 2014 8:30:00 AM

From January through November 2013, the price of a single-family home in Norwell, Massachusetts increased compared to the same period in 2012, but condominium prices declined slightly, the Massachusetts Association of Realtors (MAR) reported last month.


Topics: Real Estate Market, Community Information, Massachusetts Home Prices, Norwell MA


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