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12 Mortgage Mistakes Home Buyers Must Avoid

Routine Financial Moves Will Jeopardize Your Ability to Obtain a Mortgage. Get Your Free Guide and Avoid Costly Mistakes.

12 Mistakes First-time Home Buyers Must AvoidMassachusetts home buyers must keep in mind that certain personal and financial moves may hurt their chances of or disqualify you from obtaining a mortgage loan or result in costly closing delays. Several seemingly innocent financial or personal changes by a borrower during the loan process may have unintended serious consequences. The following are just a few mistakes that will impact your ability to obtain a home loan:

• Making a large deposit will derail your home-buying dreams.  

• Furnishing your new home prior to closing might make you homeless.

• No. 12 is ridiculous but true!

Please fill out the form on this page, to receive your free guide by email and avoid 12 terrible mortgage mistakes. 

"As first time homebuyers, we expected the process to be stressful, long and complicated, but with [your] help our experience was none of those things. From start to finish, the process was painless. [You] took the time to answer our many questions with detailed explanations in terms that we could easily understand." – Francesca L. & James B., Bought in Peabody, MA. 

"... thank you so much for helping us buy our very first home. As first-time buyers, we were nervous, and glad to have a buyer's broker on our side. You guided us through each step of the process and took care of all the details with knowledge and care. We are so happy in our new home. It is the perfect place for us!" – Erin T. & Edward S., Bought in Brookline, MA.

Avoid Mortgage Mistakes